Google Analytics

First of all, let me explain why in Google Analytics you need to do some configurations to track sub-domains / cross-domains. Google Analytics does not do this by default, thus whenever you’re on and you go to, Google Analytics will record this as a referral rather than maintaining the same session and the…

Read More How To Track Sub-Domains / Cross-Domains in Google Analytics

I just passed my Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) test today and scored 94%! Not bad eh? The passing score is 75%. So thought I’d post some tips here while the exam questions are still fresh in my mind. You have 2 hours to complete the exam (more than enough) and there’s 70 questions that…

Read More Google Analytics Individual Qualification Tips – I Just Passed My Test

In case you’re wondering whether 301 redirects preserve the referrer information or not and how this may affect Google Analytic’s referrer information, I’ll show you a simple example. So pretty much what I did was I did a Google search for clothes and found some ads on the right hand side. I used firebug to…

Read More Google Analytics: Does 301/302 Redirect Preserve Referrer Information?

In Google Analytics keywords report, you can only segment the keywords by total, paid and non-paid, which pretty much means total, non-cpc and cpc. Also in the keywords report, whenever someone arrives to your website via a cpc medium such as Google Adwords, it will only report the keyword matched in your adgroup keyword list,…

Read More Google Analytics: Adding True Search Query Terms Using Advanced Filters

Google has finally made available individual qualifications for Google Analytics called well, Google Analytics Individual Qualification. This is great because before, there were only qualifications for companies called Google Analytics Authorised Consultants (GAAC). All you have to do is pay USD$50 to sit for the IQ test and you’ll need a passing mark of at…

Read More Google Analytics Qualified Individual Qualification