Ok, I’ve finally managed to spend a good portion of my Saturday evening tweaking, testing and configuring this new theme locally. Seems like I’ve ironed out most of the bugs I encountered earlier and viola, this theme is finally live!
Since I couldn’t be bothered hacking the social bookmarking plugin using jQuery, I decided to look for a plugin that uses jQuery already. SocioFluid is a great social bookmarking plugin that uses jQuery. It has a cool feature which is similar to your navigational bar on mac computers.
I’ve also added adsense in the header and within the posts in hopes of generating some dollars from this website, but mainly to try it out and see what it is capable of since I’m working in the search industry. It’d be quite a handy piece of knowledge to have and master :)
There are also 4 125×125 banner ads available for advertising, so feel free to contact me if you’re interested. Most likely I’ll charge a flat rate rather than CPM/CPC models as I couldn’t be bothered going through tracking systems.
If you do encounter some strange or unexpected behaviours on the site, please let me know and I’ll fix it. Obviously I’m unable to go through each post and make sure they all look correct.
Tell me what do you guys think. Is it better? Worse?
Better I hope :)