off to Malaysia…

…in another 6 months though. I’ve booked my ticket already when Jetstar went on a uber cheap ass flight to KL sale ($199 one-way)! Flying on the 25th of November, arriving at 5.55pm at KLIA according to my itinerary.

Looking forward to having my holiday at the end of the year when I graduate. Will be thinking of doing a bit of travelling. China is in my mind (its good to find out where my ancestors came from!). I know some people don’t find China that appealing (with all the heavy populated and polluted pictures floating around the media), but with pictures like these I’d be crazy not to visit China!

I got these pictures from Hong Yi’s mum’s blog (yes, her mum blogs! Amazing huh when compared to my mum who has trouble using sms?)

I want to go to Africa as well, but it depends how much mula I have. Would be mad to go on the Safari’s my sister went to. Ain’t that cheap though :( I also might want to visit neighbouring south east asian countries such as Thailand, Fiji, Sabah etc. Oh wait, Sabah is part of Malaysia.

Haven’t really set a date to go back to Sydney though. Was thinking of taking at least a 3 month break if possible. Depends on what graduate job I get and how late will they let me start. After 5 years in uni, I think I deserve a long break.

Anyways, enough procrastinating now. I’ve done my laundry, cleaned my room a bit and cooked and eaten lunch. I really should start studying. Ciao for now.

1 Comment on "off to Malaysia…"

  1. “I also might want to visit neighbouring south east asian countries such as Thailand, Fiji, Sabah etc. Oh wait, Sabah is part of Malaysia.”



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