Unfortunately, the settings that control which email notifications get sent to you were lost. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. To reset your email notification settings, go to: http://www.facebook.com/editaccount.php?notifications Thanks, The Facebook Team Did anyone else get this? How annoying. They reset all my notification settings and now I’m spammed with Facebook notifications in my email.…

Read More Facebook Notification Settings Failure?

In my line of work, there has been a widespread belief that Google is unable to crawl “unoptimised” URLs and that ideally all URLs should be in a directory structure. This is totally untrue as mentioned by Google’s blog post. In fact, Google actually says that they might have problems crawling and ranking your dynamic…

Read More Google’s Opinion on Crawling Dynamic URLs vs. Static URLs

You may have read my previous entry on performing a 301 redirect from Blogger to WordPress, where I wrote a script that will capture all traffic to your old Blogger site and redirect it to your new WordPress site. Ideally you’d want to do the 301 redirects from the web server, but unfortunately Blogger doesn’t…

Read More Limitations of Client-Side Javascript Redirect – Blogger to WordPress