Read Google Analytics Cookie Script

I’ve taken some time out to write a script that provides a nice API to access Google cookies. If you’ve seen the Google cookies before, they can look pretty cryptic and will require you to memorise the syntax of how the cookies are formed which you don’t necessarily want to do to save brain space.

 I won’t really go into the intricate details of Google cookies so this post will assume you know what you’re looking for. I may write up a post to explain more in-depth how Google cookies work later on. In the mean time, you can watch this presentation by Google on cookies (it’s pretty good!) or read the documentation to find out more about Google cookies.

So how is this useful? Well it really depends. You may use it to read GA campaign values and integrate it with your CRM system to track where your leads/sales are coming from or write custom scripts that integrate with GA (i.e. custom variables). It’s really up to you!

Anyway, on to the script.

Below you will find the source code of the script I’ve written. To copy it, simply double click on the source code area (which will highlight the code) and simply do a ctrl-c to copy.

 * @author: Danny Ng (…-cookie-script/)
 * @modified: 19/08/10
 * @notes: Free to use and distribute without altering this comment. Would appreciate a link back :)
// Strip leading and trailing white-space
String.prototype.trim = function() {
    return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');

// Check if string is empty
String.prototype.empty = function() {
    if (this.length == 0)
        return true;
    else if (this.length & gt; 0)
        return /^\s*$/.test(this);

// Breaks cookie into an object of keypair cookie values
function crumbleCookie(c) {
    var cookie_array = document.cookie.split(';');
    var keyvaluepair = {};
    for (var cookie = 0; cookie & lt; cookie_array.length; cookie++) {
        var key = cookie_array[cookie].substring(0, cookie_array[cookie].indexOf('=')).trim();
        var value = cookie_array[cookie].substring(cookie_array[cookie].indexOf('=') + 1, cookie_array[cookie].length).trim();
        keyvaluepair[key] = value;

    if (c)
        return keyvaluepair[c] ? keyvaluepair[c] : null;

    return keyvaluepair;

 * For GA cookie explanation, see
 * @return -
 * @pre-condition - pageTracker initialised properly
 * @post-condition - provides 'get' methods to access specific values in the Google Analytics cookies
function gaCookies() {
    // Cookie syntax: domain-hash.unique-id.ftime.ltime.stime.session-counter
    var utma = function() {
        var utma_array;

        if (crumbleCookie('__utma'))
            utma_array = crumbleCookie('__utma').split('.');
            return null;

        var domainhash = utma_array[0];
        var uniqueid = utma_array[1];
        var ftime = utma_array[2];
        var ltime = utma_array[3];
        var stime = utma_array[4];
        var sessions = utma_array[5];

        return {
            'cookie': utma_array,
            'domainhash': domainhash,
            'uniqueid': uniqueid,
            'ftime': ftime,
            'ltime': ltime,
            'stime': stime,
            'sessions': sessions

    // Cookie syntax: domain-hash.gif-requests.10.stime
    var utmb = function() {
        var utmb_array;

        if (crumbleCookie('__utmb'))
            utmb_array = crumbleCookie('__utmb').split('.');
            return null;
        var gifrequest = utmb_array[1];

        return {
            'cookie': utmb_array,
            'gifrequest': gifrequest

    // Cookie syntax: domain-hash.value
    var utmv = function() {
        var utmv_array;

        if (crumbleCookie('__utmv'))
            utmv_array = crumbleCookie('__utmv').split('.');
            return null;

        var value = utmv_array[1];

        return {
            'cookie': utmv_array,
            'value': value

    // Cookie syntax: domain-hash.ftime.?.?.utmcsr=X|utmccn=X|utmcmd=X|utmctr=X
    var utmz = function() {
        var utmz_array, source, medium, name, term, content, gclid;

        if (crumbleCookie('__utmz'))
            utmz_array = crumbleCookie('__utmz').split('.');
            return null;

        var utms = utmz_array[4].split('|');
        for (var i = 0; i < utms.length; i++) {
            var key = utms[i].substring(0, utms[i].indexOf('='));
            var val = decodeURIComponent(utms[i].substring(utms[i].indexOf('=') + 1, utms[i].length));
            val = val.replace(/^\(|\)$/g, ''); // strip () brackets
            switch (key) {
                case 'utmcsr':
                    source = val;
                case 'utmcmd':
                    medium = val;
                case 'utmccn':
                    name = val;
                case 'utmctr':
                    term = val;
                case 'utmcct':
                    content = val;
                case 'utmgclid':
                    gclid = val;

        return {
            'cookie': utmz_array,
            'source': source,
            'medium': medium,
            'name': name,
            'term': term,
            'content': content,
            'gclid': gclid

    // Establish public methods

    // utma cookies
    this.getDomainHash = function() {
        return (utma() && utma().domainhash) ? utma().domainhash : null
    this.getUniqueId = function() {
        return (utma() && utma().uniqueid) ? utma().uniqueid : null

    this.getInitialVisitTime = function() {
        return (utma() && utma().ftime) ? utma().ftime : null
    this.getPreviousVisitTime = function() {
        return (utma() && utma().ltime) ? utma().ltime : null
    this.getCurrentVisitTime = function() {
        return (utma() && utma().stime) ? utma().stime : null
    this.getSessionCounter = function() {
        return (utma() && utma().sessions) ? utma().sessions : null

    // utmb cookies
    this.getGifRequests = function() {
        return (utmb() && utmb().gifrequest) ? utmb().gifrequest : null

    // utmv cookies
    this.getUserDefinedValue = function() {
        return (utmv() && utmv().value) ? decodeURIComponent(utmv().value) : null

    // utmz cookies
    this.getCampaignSource = function() {
        return (utmz() && utmz().source) ? utmz().source : null
    this.getCampaignMedium = function() {
        return (utmz() && utmz().medium) ? utmz().medium : null
    this.getCampaignName = function() {
        return (utmz() && utmz().name) ? utmz().name : null
    this.getCampaignTerm = function() {
        return (utmz() && utmz().term) ? utmz().term : null
    this.getCampaignContent = function() {
        return (utmz() && amp; utmz().content) ? utmz().content : null
    this.getGclid = function() {
        return (utmz() && utmz().gclid) ? utmz().gclid : null

API reference:

  • getDomainHash() – returns the domain hash that GA uses to uniquely identify each host name.
  • getUniqueId() – returns a unique id set by GA.
  • getInitialVisitTime() – returns timestamp (seconds since 1 June, 1970 – otherwise known as ctime) of your first visit.
  • getPreviousVisitTime() – returns timestamp of your last visit.
  • getCurrentVisitTime() – returns timestamp of your current session.
  • getSessionCounter() – returns the number of sessions you’ve had on the site.
  • getGifRequests() – returns the number of times a GIF request is sent. This is how GA communicates with the Google servers.
  • getCampaignSource() – returns the campaign source.
  • getCampaignMedium() – returns the campaign medium.
  • getCampaignName() – returns the campaign name.
  • getCampaignTerm() – returns the campaign term (or keyword).
  • getCampaignContent() – returns the campaign content (which can be set by using &utm_content when doing custom tagging).
  • getGclid() – returns the gclid value (if you run Adwords and have auto-tagging enabled).


Copy and paste the source code into a javascript file and upload it to your server. Import the script into your code by doing <script type=”text/javascript” src=”PATH YOU UPLOADED TO” />.

After that, all you have to do is make an instance of gaCookies class to start accessing it’s public methods.

Note: Make sure you create the instance after pageTracker or _gaq (async script) has been initialised because you can only access the cookies once the cookies has been set by GA.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var gac = new gaCookies();

Known Issues:

Currently one of my helper methods, crumbleCookie() isn’t able to accommodate cookies with the same name since it is using an associative array to store the cookie name & value. For example, if there are 2 utma cookies, you will only get access to the latest one (as the later one overrides the former one).

This can happen with GA when cookies (multiple sets of GA cookies) are set to the root domain, sub-domain or even when you use the methods _setDomainName(‘none’) or _setAllowHash(false), doing stuff like cross-domain tracking.

Google uses an internal hashing method that produces an unique hash to identify the domain the cookie is set to, hence they’re able to distinguish which is which. Unfortunately I can’t be bothered to try and decrypt their cryptic javascript file so that I can use their hashing method internally, and for the time being I can’t think of an elegant solution to overcome this problem. One of the major problems with the javascript cookie object is that there is no way to actually read the domain it has been set to – annoying!

Well, that’s all from me. If this has been helpful to you, do let me know!

13 Comments on "Read Google Analytics Cookie Script"

  1. Source values like “” were breaking this script. Had to replace this line:

    utmz_array = crumbleCookie(‘__utmz’).split(‘.’);


    var rawSplit = srcValue.split(‘.’);
    utmz_array = rawSplit.slice(0,4).concat(rawSplit.slice(4).join(‘.’));


  2. Hi Danny, Many thanks for your reply, I’ve just got it working and your script will really help with my call tracking product.

    I used the original google script then changed it to this below. I do not know why the Google supplied script did not work.

    var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”);
    document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));

    try {
    var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-xxxxxx-6”);
    } catch(err) {}

    The google supplied script which needed a page refresh

    var _gaq = _gaq || [];
    _gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-xxxxx-1’]);

    (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement(‘script’); ga.type = ‘text/javascript’; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://ssl’ : ‘http://www’) + ‘’;
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);


    1. Hi Peter,

      I’m glad this is working great for you :)

      My guess is the reason why I think the async code isn’t working for you is probably because the _gaq array is only initialised once the page has been loaded (the whole point of async). This means that during the page render, your call to the GA cookies didn’t work because GA is waiting until the page has loaded before initialising (cookies get set then).

      That’s probably why pageTracker works for you since it gets fired as it gets called (non-async). Most likely if you want to integrate with async code, you’ll need to write a wrapper function and use _gaq’s push for function objects (read

      Hope this clears things up.


  3. Hello, Can you please advise me how to get the cookie value getCampaignSource when the cookie is set for the first time, without a page refresh. Thanks in advance peter


    1. Hi Peter,

      The function getCampaignSource() should return the campaign source if you’ve called it after the pageTracker initialisation. This is because this script relies on the campaign cookies to be created and written first.

      By then, the cookies would’ve already been established by GA so you don’t need a page refresh first.


  4. Wrong… I would have to check, too, if it is 2nd pageview, because if not I cannot extract the “new” campaign medium – or am I thinking wrong?


  5. Hi danny, thanks for this! :) Having seen this I want to try out something and have a question right away… If I want to write all campaign media into a custom variable (like: referral-google-organic-google-paid …) in order to see the first and previous campaigns of the current campaign I would have to use _getVisitorCustomVar for the corresponding index number, right? But I guess I would have to do the following first: 1) Check if it is a new visit (how?), 2) check if custom variable is set, 3) if not set write a new one – or – if set update. I hope I could explain well and am looking forward to your answer :) Thanks a lot!


    1. Hi Frank,

      Sorry for the horrendous late response. To find out first time visitor, you could use the method getSessionCounter() from my script. I assume if you’re a first time visitor then the session counter should be 1.

      To read the custom variable cookie, refer to Not entirely sure how you’re going to approach this but remember that the custom variable only has 5 slots. Also note that Google has already released a multi-channel funnels where you can see the various channels visitors use to enter and take action on your site (


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